78 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Best Breakfast


330 Third St.

Delta of Venus,

122 B St.


1745 Cowell Blvd.



It’s a thin pancake! The most commonly used expression to describe a crepe is a thin pancake, but the crepes whipped up at Crepeville are anything but common, and that’s the same for the rest of their food.

Ranking in as the No. 1 place in Davis to have breakfast, Crepeville is located on the outskirts of campus at the intersection of Third and C Street.

Commonly known as the place to take visiting parents for breakfast, Crepeville offers everything from eggs benedict to a strawberry-chocolate crepe topped off with whipped cream.

Not to mention, they have absolutely incredible French toast, for a mere $4.95 and very tasty hot cocoa.

And if 7 a.m. is too early for you to make it to breakfast don’t fret – you can enjoy your breakfast until closing at 11 p.m.

One of the best things about Crepeville, besides the French toast, is the ambiance.

The restaurant fits cozily near campus, making it an ideal place to stop in and study. It also offers free Wi-Fi Internet access as well as tons of wall plugs for those battery driven laptops.

“It’s a great place to study. During finals week it gets really full, and students are everywhere,said UC Davis senior and Crepeville barista Chelsea Howell.Plus, there are a lot of regulars who come in; they are really friendly.

Do note, however, that while you may want to use your credit cards they only take your cash.

Following close behind in votes was Delta of Venus taking second, while IHOP placed third.

Delta of Venus is located at 122 B St., and is home to an independent coffee shop, restaurant and pub.

Across town is the popular franchise IHOP located at 1745 Cowell Blvd. in South Davis. The International House of Pancakes is terrifically known for their bottomless pancakes.

Andrea Gutierrez


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