55.7 F

Davis, California

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Best Music Store


Dimple Records

212 F St.

Armadillo Music

205 F St.

Watermelon Music

207 E St.

Dimple Records is the new holder of this year’sBest Music Storecategory. This relatively new record store, located across the street from Armadillo Music at 212 F St., buys and sells used CDs, DVDs and vinylsimilar to independent stores like Amoeba Music and Rasputin Music.

“I feel like people are using [Dimple Records] like a bank,said Dilyn Radakovitz, owner of the Dimple Records in Davis.We’ve never had so much used products. We have a lot of stock in that store.

Music and movies are not the only things Dimple has in stock. Walk to the back for a wall of vinyl records or look to the left for their large shelf of video games and consoles. DVDs, gift trend items, magazines, books, and even ice cream and candy are also on sale. Some of the best deals sit in theFree Posterbox in the front.

With the wave of online music stores and Internet piracy, one might wonder about the future for record stores in generalespecially independent stores like Dimple Records, Rasputin Music and Amoeba Music. Dimple Recordslocation, set in the eerily familiar former home of Tower Records, is almost a reminding factor of the supposed demise of the physical CD within the last decade.

“There are always going to be people who want their music digitally, butespecially in Davisthere are so many college kids that are into vinyl,Radakovitz said.I think that college kids especially notice that there’s a difference between a digital sound and an analog sound. It’s a whole different experience.

Radakovitz said that online trends are not severely hurting the store, but rather affect specific areas like singles and newer releases.

“I just think Davis is a really nice town to do business in,Radakovitz said.It’s really fun there and the people are nice. It makes it fun for retailers to be involved in that kind of a supportive community.

Taking the number two and three spots forBest Music Storewere Armadillo Records at 205 F St. and Watermelon Music at 207 E St.


Justin T. Ho


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