Drop off hazardous waste this weekend
It’s time to get rid of that hazardous waste you’ve got lying around.
The Yolo County Central Landfill will host free household hazardous waste drop-off days this weekend for Yolo County residents.
The landfill will accept batteries, fluorescent bulbs or tubes, used motor oil and filters, cleaning supplies, lighter fluid, antifreeze, aerosols, garden pesticides, herbicides, latex paints, oil based paints, solvents, poisons, electrical switches and relays, pilot light sensors, and mercury thermostats. The landfill will also accept small electronic items such as televisions and monitors for no cost. Other appliances will be recycled for a fee.
Infectious medical waste will not be accepted, and business hazardous waste will only be accepted for a fee, by appointment.
The drop-off days will be Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Yolo County Central Landfill in Woodland.
This weekend’s event is sponsored by the Yolo County Department of Planning and Public Works. The next drop-off days are scheduled for Apr. 3 and 4. For more information, visit yolocounty.org.
Wolk appointed to lead Delta committee
California state Senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) will chair a committee on stewardship and sustainability of the Delta, according to a press release from Wolk’s office.
Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg selected Wolk to chair the newly formed committee as well as to represent the Senate on a state commission that will be in charge of plans for land use and resource management in the Delta.
“I am honored that the president pro tem has chosen me to help lead the Senate’s efforts to ensure the long-term survival of this vital state resource. It is a weighty responsibility,” Wolk said in a written statement. “California’s water supply challenges are real and interconnected to the crisis in the Delta. They both demand action and results. My goal, as chair, is to see that the Delta is given a place at the table in decisions that will impact its future.“
Wolk introduced a package of four bills last month relating to the Delta and its management and improvement.
When she was a member of the State Assembly, Wolk was the Assembly’s representative to the Delta Protection Commission, an agency devoted to protect and maintain the agricultural, wildlife habitat and recreational uses of the Delta.
Emergency training classes offered
The American Red Cross of Yolo County is preparing to offer its most complete first aid course this month.
The course – Adult, Infant and Child CPR and First Aid – will be held on the evenings of Mar. 18 and 19 from 6 to 10 p.m. both nights. Participants will learn how to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Students will also learn CPR, how to rescue a choking person, how to perform rescue breathing and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), according to a press release.
Other first aid skills include care for bleeding, burns, fractures, sprains, seizures, poisoning, and heat and cold emergencies.
The class will be held at 120 Court St. in Woodland, and interested students can register online at yc-arc.org. More information on this class and others is available at 662-4669.
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