55.1 F

Davis, California

Monday, February 10, 2025

Grab Windows 7 For $30

Last Thursday, Microsoft released Windows 7, the latest version of their popular operating system. Windows 7 offers a new interface, runs faster and is easier to use. Microsoft hopes to reestablish its brand name after the issues consumers faced with the infamous Windows Vista. Despite the increasing popularity of Apple products that run OS X Snow Leopard, the fact remains: nine out of 10 computers bought today ship with Windows.

Upgrading to a new version of Windows in the past would usually leave you with an empty wallet, but things have changed. Microsoft aims to reach a larger user-base by offering major discounts to certain market segments, including students. As a result, UC Davis students are eligible to grab a copy of either Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Professional for $30 through Jan. 10, 2010. The same versions sell in retail stores for $120 and $200, respectively.

Also, if you happened to purchase a Windows Vista machine after June 26, you are probably eligible for a free upgrade. For more information on the free upgrade, check the papers that came in your packaging, contact the store you purchased it at or the computer manufacturer.

If you are interested in the $30 offer, there are a few things you’ll need to know. If your computer runs Windows Vista, it can probably handle Windows 7 just fine. In fact most tests have shown it performs even better on the same hardware.

To check if your computer is compatible with Windows 7, Microsoft offers a tool called Upgrade Advisor on their website. To upgrade, all you need is your ‘.edu’ UC Davis e-mail address and be enrolled as a full time student. To get started just visit win741.com.

For more information, help and assistance, visit skattertech.com.

SAHAS KATTA can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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