Green thumb thief
Plants were stolen by someone on Wake Forest Drive.
Best buy
People were offering speakers for sale in the parking lot on West Covell Boulevard.
Secret models
A mother and daughter were in a dressing room on East 8th Street when they saw a male taking pictures of them.
Squatter alert
Someone gained access to an apartment on Alvarado Avenue that was boarded up.
Designated lifter
A male was carrying an intoxicated female on E Street.
Freedom train
A grey Jeep Liberty was blocking the entrance to the Amtrak station on Second Street.
Rainy day service
On Research Park, someone asked for a resident’s insurance then started to fix the person’s windshield.
Take a penny, leave a penny
An unknown subject stole a tip jar on Second Street.
Billy Goats Gruff
A customer noticed two severed goat horns on Lake Boulevard.
Three too many
Someone heard “only three shots” on El Toro Way.
Bad Romance
A male was attempting to stop his ex-girlfriend from breaking in on Sunrise Court at 7:36 a.m.
C U soon
During an online chat, the person on the other end said he was en route to the respondent’s house.
POLICE BRIEFS are compiled by POOJA KUMAR from the public logs of the Davis Police Department and represent the official version of what happened. View the crime blotter online at This segment appears Tuesdays.