96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

CD Review: Roy Montgomery

Roy Montgomery


Root Strata

Rating: 4

The stark black and white cover art of Grouper’s split EP with Roy Montgomery perfectly embodies the track listings in its entirety; it is billowing and beautiful in every way. The EP is a hauntingly hypnotic pleasure to the ears if you are a fan of late-night ambience and avant-garde experimentalism. In Grouper’s “Vessel,” Liz Harris uses a gently distorted organ to combine with her own aerial vocals – forming an ethereal and static equation. Montgomery’s portion of the EP exists in the form of a live recording from their show in his hometown, Christchurch, New Zealand. The track is a revolving, raga-like cycle of folk guitars and lo-fi lovin’. This five5-track EP is a brilliant collaboration: Roy Montgomery offers the warm-sounding yin to Grouper’s icy-cold yang. Listen to it and pretend you’re floating on mountaintops – or just allow yourself to dissolve in the foggy drone.

Give these tracks a listen: “Fantasia on a Theme by Sandy Bull” and “Vessel”

For fans of: Flying Saucer Attack, Disco Inferno, and Cocteau Twins

– Vanna Le



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