Rural-PRIME needs support
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed reading your article in the Jan. 13 edition about the Rural-PRIME program at the UC Davis School of Medicine. I am a 1975 graduate of the school and have been in rural family practice in Southern Monterey County for a little over 30 years. I have served as a preceptor at my practice for UC Davis medical students. At the present time, our local hospital and clinics are in negotiations with UC Davis to become an official rural clinical site for Rural-PRIME.
This program definitely needs everybody’s support. Speaking firsthand, I understand about the severe shortage of primary care physicians in the rural areas of California. UC Davis is making a dedicated effort in this regard. I recently found a 1990 edition of a magazine called the UC Davis Physician in a desk drawer. Even then, there was talk about the unique problems of rural practice and what could be done about them.
The problems are not new, but hopefully, we are in the process of developing some creative innovations.
Associate Clinical Professor
Volunteer Clinical Faculty
UC Davis School of Medicine
Headline: Diesel trains should be moved
Dear Editor,
I am a resident of Solano Park, UC Davis’ family housing apartment complex. I live just across from two railroad tracks that serve AMTRAK and freight.
While I would voice many complaints about living next to active railways, I would like to focus on just one: idling trains. Every night, a train parks across from my apartment and idles for hours, spewing diesel soot into my home and neighborhood.
There seems to be no need for trains to park in a family neighborhood. There is an abundance of empty land southwest of my home. There are plenty of reasons not to idle trains near where children sleep; diesel soot from engine exhaust has been linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease and asthma. That risk scales with exposure.
I call for UC Davis to step up for the children they house. Negotiate with the rails to park their trains elsewhere.
Headline: Library administrators shouldn’t get a raise
I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.
To quote a Dateline UC Davis article printed Jan. 22, “The UC Board of Regents this week agreed to extend the stipends that Helen Henry and Gail Yokote are receiving as fill-ins for University librarian Marilyn Sharrow, who is on leave and has announced her retirement effective Mar. 1.”
Henry and Yokote also got new base pays. Why?
We have been to meeting after meeting telling us that we have to take pay cuts, and now they get raises and a stipend on top of it!
Oh wait, I get it. Our pay cuts went to give them more money, not the campus. And then the administration wonders why we do not trust them to do what is best for us. Hmm, I wonder.
Kudos to John Meyer, who has left his salary – although a large one – the same.
Bindery Assistant/Lead Book Processor
Shields Library