62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campus Judicial Report for Wednesday, February 3

Please Return Exams

A sophomore was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for allegedly removing copies of her previous examinations from her lower-division psychology course. The instructor had a policy of not returning exams, but rather making them available for students to review during her office hours. However, the instructor required that students return the exams to her at the end of the designated office hours. The student claimed that she had tucked the exams into her textbook before using the restroom and had forgotten to return them because she suddenly remembered that she had a class and rushed off. The professor insisted that the student was aware of the rule as she had mentioned it on multiple occasions to the class and to the student individually. A prior referral for theft from the bookstore, compounded with this second violation, resulted in the student accepting a sanction of deferred separation.

Sharing Answers May be Hazardous to Your Academic Health

Two seniors were referred to SJA for suspected unauthorized collaboration on a take-home final. During their meetings with a judicial officer, both students admitted that they had discussed one of the questions together despite the fact that the instructor had expressly disallowed this. Unauthorized collaboration is probably the most confusing rule at UC Davis because what is “unauthorized” changes from course to course depending on what the instructor allows. Each instructor is charged with setting the amount that students are allowed to collaborate on any assignments or course work that is turned in for a grade. Both students admitted to the unauthorized collaboration and accepted the sanction of deferred separation.

False Data

A junior was referred to SJA for allegedly providing false information and forged documents in her upper division chemistry course. The student explained that she had been ill for several weeks and was unable to complete some of the required labs. Upon returning to school, the student found that there was not enough time to complete the labs but was told by her advisor not to drop the course because she was on academic probation for not meeting minimum progress requirements. The student therefore fabricated false data for her labs and submitted them without a TA’s signature. She accepted the sanction of disciplinary probation, which means that any subsequent violation would likely result in suspension or dismissal, along with 15 hours of community service.

The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.


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