Project Compost
6 p.m.
43 Memorial Union
Attend the Project Compost volunteer meetings and learn how you can help them divert organic waste around campus.
Southeast Asian Graduation Meeting
6 to 7 p.m.
South Hall Conference Room
Join a passionate group of students working to celebrate the achievements of graduating Southeast Asian students through an intimate cultural ceremony for the Southeast Asian community.
ASUCD Sustainable Style Clothes Exchange
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The EPPC Commission presents a clothes exchange for Earth Week!
ASUCD Paint-A-Pot and Sustainable Eating
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Paint a pot with the EPPC Commission for Earth Week.
ASUCD Club Fair
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Join the EPPC Commission for a club fair for Earth Week!
Evening with Eric Stille of Nugget Markets
6 p.m.
1302 Gallagher
Listen to CEO and President of Nugget Markets, Eric Stille talk about his company and skills of being a CEO.
ASUCD Movie Screening: The Cove
7 p.m.
194 Chemistry
Watch The Cove with the EPPC Commission for Earth Week.
Flatmancrooked Poets Reading
8 p.m.
John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 First St.
The Poetry Night Reading Series presents a reading from the Sacramento publishing house Flatmancrooked.
ASUCD Green Partying
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Find out more information about green partying with the EPPC Commission for Earth Week.
To receive placement in the AGGIE DAILY CALENDAR, e-mail or stop by 25 Lower Freeborn by noon the day prior to your event. Due to space constraints, all event descriptions are subject to editing, and priority will be given to events that are free of charge and geared toward the campus community.