44.5 F

Davis, California

Monday, February 10, 2025

ASUCD Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the April 29 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room.

Meeting called to order at 6:11 p.m.

Jack Zwald, ASUCD president, absent

Previn Witana, ASUCD vice president, present

Abrham Castillo-Ruiz, ASCUD senator, present

Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD senator, present

Alison Tanner, ASUCD senator, present, arrived late from a break scheduled to end at 9:07

Andre Lee, ASUCD president, present

Bree Rombi, ASUCD senator, pro tempore, present

Don Ho, ASUCD senator, present

Joel Juarez, ASUCD senator, absent

Levi Menovske, ASUCD senator, present

Liz Walz, ASUCD senator, present

Osahon Ekhator, ASUCD senator, absent

Ozzy Arce, ASUCD senator, present

Selisa Romero, ASUCD senator, present


Members of Coalition of Immokalee Workers presented on the modern day slavery march they attended and talked about how it affects UC Davis students.

Appointments and Confirmations

Fatima Mohammad-Zakir was appointed to the Internal Affairs Commission.

Susan Saephanh was appointed to the Academic Affairs Commission.

Consideration of old legislation

Senate Resolution 30, authored by Kimberly Sasaki, co-authored by Rombi and Jessica Bray and introduced by Rombi, to support the elimination of non-biodegradable plastic bags distributed on campus, passed unanimously.

Senate Resolution 32, authored by Menovske, co-authored Jacob Rin, Alissa Addler, Andrea Abergel, Kelly McBee, Lee and Walz, introduced by Lee, to support proposed amendments to CALPIRG’s Pledge Contract, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 55, authored by Tanner, co-authored by Lee, Ali Bollbach and Marissa Corona and introduced by Tanner, to allocate $29.20 from Senate Reserves to purchase 280 educational handbills about the discriminatory practices of blood drives, as well as 50 petitions for students to sign that will be sent to the federal Food and Drug Administration from Campus Copies, passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 57 authored by Andre Lee, co-authored by Monica Lindholm, introduced by Lee, to allocate $2,200 from Capital Reserves to purchase a used storage steel container to store Picnic Day event materials, passed unanimously.

Public Announcements

Tim Wise will be speaking about white privilege on May 5 at 7:30 p.m. in Chemistry 194.

Meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.

AKSHAYA RAMANUJAM compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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