Text by Brittany Pearlman
Photos by Liam O’Donnell
1. Katie Schleuter
sophomore exercise biology major
“Super Mash Bros. because I love them, and tickets were easy to get! It was fun and I wore sparkly leggings!”
2. Ryan Pass
senior viticulture and enology major
“Elvis Costello because we don’t see very many people at the Mondavi – it’s really rare. And it’s hard to get tickets to see him.”
3. Jessica Stein
senior environmental science and policy major
“Passion Pit because it was high energy, really fun, and everyone was dancing. Also, it was nice that it was here on campus, and I didn’t have to go to San Francisco or Sacramento, I could just bike.”
4. Leray Jize
junior English major
“The Seagull performance because I had a friend in it and it was fun to see him perform. It was different from what I normally go to.”
5. Sara Campidelli
exchange student, communication major
“Some Things Are Private, because I think it was well directed and the scenic design was very good. The topic of the play was very interesting.”
7. Billie Valdez
junior English and history double major
“Midsummer Night’s Dream, because it was a really weird take on it. They modernized it and turned it into a Guantanamo Bay thing. Sort of New Age and Modern. The video production in the background was really cool. Puck was just a mask and the play only had six players to perform like 15 parts which was really interesting.”
8. Tatiana Bush
junior political science major
“Slam at the Mondavi Center because throughout the whole day they put on workshops for the kids. They got a lot of people from the community to go on stage. Some of the artists even wrote pieces for the performance so the kids were really feeling it.”
10. Deena Freel
sophomore design major
“Super Mash Bros. because it was really upbeat and fun to dance with my friends. I like how energetic and super excited everyone was!”
11. Emily Randall
sophomore communication major
“As a member of the Spokes, my favorite performance we put on was Hella Capella because it was in Freeborn Hall and we had like 1,200 people there so that was huge. The sound in there was really great and the lighting is really cool. Also, we had other groups from other schools come in.”
13. Antonia Huang
junior textile design major
“Super Mash Bros. because they pumped up the crowd and it was a good atmosphere of people. They’re quirky guys I know from YouTube.”