96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Urban campus dictionary

With every new region comes a unique dialect and vocabulary, including UC Davis In order to decipher what other students are saying, here is a reference of common acronyms and abbreviations that can be heard around campus.

ASUCD: Associated Student of UCD; a group of student leaders that appropriates funds for campus programs.

The MU: The Memorial Union; a central campus building that houses the CoHo (see below), ASUCD, the bookstore and other campus departments. Located at the Quad.

The CoHo: The Coffee House; located in Memorial Union and currently under construction. It should be opening relatively soon.

The DC: The Dining Commons; located near the dorm areas. If you want to make upperclassmen friends, offer to swipe (see below) them in.

Swipe: Verb; using your registration card (ID card) to get yourself and anyone else with you into the DC.

The Deathstar: Social Sciences and Humanities Building; named as such because of its insane architecture and almost guarantee of students becoming lost within it.

The Grad: The Davis Graduate; a local restaurant and bar that has different themed dance nights. Located in University Mall.

TAPS: Transportation and Parking Services; located next to Hutchinson Parking Garage, it is responsible for most bike-related crimes and on campus parking citations.

Rec. pool: The Recreation Pool; a popular location during spring quarter, it is located next to the Colleges to tan and enjoy the pool.

LGBTRC: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center; located across from Voorhies Hall, it offers many events and services throughout the year.

WRRC: The Women’s Resources and Research Center; located in North Hall, it provides services for female students.

CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services; located in North Hall, it provides counseling to students who need it.

– Compiled by Nick Markwith


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