96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Voting for Dummies

Davis Joint Unified School District Board of Directors:

Sheila Allen is an incumbent of the school board. Her platform goal is to ensure long-term fiscal solvency while maintaining programs, expanding early learning, implement strategies to close the achievement gap, supporting Davis’ new superintendent and maintaining positive communication with the community.

Gina Daleiden is seeking a second term as a director. She stands for maintaining fiscal solvency, protecting high-quality programs, looking into possible benefits of A-G default curriculum and facility needs when financially feasible.

Mike Nolan has been a member of the Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Committee since 2006. His goals include fiscal responsibility and long-term planning, evidence-based decision-making and transparency.

Tim Taylor is the outgoing president of the school board. He plans on working with and managing budgets, solving achievement gap issues and dealing with school facility issues.

U.S. Senate:

Barbara Boxer, Democrat, and present California senator urges the creation of more California jobs. She also plans on ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and instead giving them to middle class families and small businesses. Boxer is planning on working to make California the hub of the new clean energy industry and improving our roads, bridges and mass transit.

Carly Fiorina, Republican, addresses the job deficit in California, saying that she will fight to reduce spending, cut the federal deficit and halt the expansion of federal control of the economy. She also plans on working for tougher U.S. policy in dealing with terrorists and opposing the administration’s policy to try terrorists in civilian court.

1st Congressional District:

Mike Thompson, Democrat, is the incumbent. He stands for protecting our environment, restoring fiscal responsibility, ending the war in Iraq and quality, affordable healthcare for all.

Loren Hanks, Republican, plans to end President Obama’s health care bill, limit discretionary spending, simplify the tax code, support legal immigration and enforce laws regarding illegal immigration and support the right of citizen’s to bear arms.

8th State Assembly District:

Michelle Connor, Republican, said that a strong education is necessary to alleviate poverty, conservationism is imperative in keeping the environment clean, water should be protected and conserved, bills should not be passed that the state cannot afford and the creation of jobs in the state is crucial.

Mariko Yamada, Democrat, is the incumbent. Her priorities include budget and healthcare reform, support for veterans, fighting for education, safeguarding farmland, tax incentives for small businesses, public safety and ensuring that first responders are fully equipped and protected.

District 3 Court of Appeals:

Up for retention:

George Nicholson

Harry Hull

Kathleen Butz

Secretary of State:

Debra Bowen, Democrat, is the incumbent. Her goal is to ensure that voting systems are secure, accurate, reliable and accessible.

Damon Dunn, Republican, hopes to improve California’s business climate to create jobs and protect the integrity of elections.


Ross Frankel, Green

Karen Martinez, Peace and Freedom

Andrew Favor, Libertarian

John Chiang, Democrat


Bill Lockyer, Democrat

Mimi Walters, Republican

Attorney General:

Peter Allen, Green

Robert Evans, Peace and Freedom

Timothy Hannon, Libertarian

Steve Cooley, Republican

Insurance Commissioner:

Dave Jones, Democrat

Mike Villines, Republican

ASHLEY NEWMAN can be reached at city@theaggie.org.


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