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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Campus Judicial Report


Headline: Campus Judicial Report

“Communicate” your own ideas

A first-year communication major was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for allegedly plagiarizing a paper assignment in her upper division writing class. Nearly half of the paper was taken verbatim from a website. Upon meeting with a judicial officer, the student admitted to the wrongdoing and accepted the sanction of disciplinary probation, along with 10 hours of community service and an online tutorial regarding plagiarism. If she violates campus policy while on disciplinary probation, she would likely receive a suspension or dismissal from the university.

Stealing can be hazardous to your bank account

A sophomore neurobiology, physiology and behavior (NPB) major was referred to SJA for stealing two textbooks from the bookstore. After bookstore staff approached the student, she dropped the two books and left the Memorial Union. She did, however, return the next day after receiving an e-mail from the bookstore regarding the matter, to purchase one of the textbooks and pay the civil demand fine of $200. The bookstore assesses a $200 fine in addition to the price of the item for all cases of theft, whether it is the theft of a Scantron or an iPod. In addition, the student accepted the sanction of disciplinary probation from SJA.

When in doubt, ask!

A junior was referred to SJA for alleged unauthorized collaboration on an assignment. The student admitted to the collaboration, saying that his TA had recommended that students work together in groups. The student and several others turned in identical electronic copies of their assignments, including many identical typographical errors. Although the instructor had encouraged students to use each other as resources on the assignment, he had not given them permission to work together to such a degree that their assignments would be identical. The student admitted that he and his classmates had worked together beyond what was permitted, and that he had violated university policy as a result. He therefore accepted the sanction of disciplinary probation for the unauthorized collaboration. The rule prohibiting “unauthorized collaboration” can be confusing to students because, unlike other rules, what is permitted may vary from class to class. Students may not work together on assignments without the express consent of the instructor – and then only to the degree that the instructor allows.

The Campus Judicial Report is compiled by student members of the Campus Judicial Board. Additional information about SJA and the Campus Judicial Board may be found at sja.ucdavis.edu.


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