96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

One hundred dollars isn’t going to cut it

A first-year transfer student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for offering to pay $100 to another student in the class to help her cheat during the final exam. The professor was made aware of the e-mails this student was sending to her classmates prior to the final exam and had the student sit in the front row to prevent any cheating. When meeting with a judicial officer, the student stated that she only wanted help preparing for the final, not cheating during the exam itself. She also stated that this was her first quarter at UC Davis and she was doing poorly in the class. The student agreed to the sanction of deferred separation, which means that she can continue to take classes until referred to SJA for another act of dishonesty or academic misconduct. The student has waived the right to a formal hearing, so if she is found in violation again, she will be suspended or dismissed from the school.

A rose by any other theme …

A professor reported a first-year student to SJA for suspected plagiarism in both a paper and a homework assignment. Though there was no direct evidence that the student actually plagiarized, the professor recognized the themes in the student’s paper as being identical to the themes discussed in online resources. The professor therefore alleged that the student had used these resources without proper citations. The student claimed that she analyzed the assigned reading on her own and did not use any online resources. Since this was her first referral to SJA, she was sent a non-disciplinary administrative notice. This means that she was not found in violation of the Code of Academic Conduct; however, if referred to SJA for plagiarism again, more serious disciplinary actions could follow.

Next time, book it

This first-year student was put on deferred dismissal until graduation in response to her admitted theft from the UC Davis Bookstore. The student was caught stealing $178.38 in books from the bookstore. When caught, she quickly apologized for the theft and stated that she was stressed about school and was short on cash. The student was charged a $200 civil fine by the bookstore for stealing and was also charged $178.38 for the books that she stole. The student was sanctioned to stay in school, but if referred to SJA again and found in violation, she waives her right to a formal hearing and will likely be dismissed.

CAMPUS JUDICIAL REPORTS are compiled by members of Student Judicial Affairs.


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