97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024


Despite Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $500 million cut from the university’s budget, the UC Board of Regents approved a series of pay raises at their meeting last week at UC San Diego.

On Thursday, the regents gave 10 percent salary increases to three financial managers in the Office of the President – Grace Crickette, chief risk officer; Dan Sampson, assistant vice president for financial services and controls; and Sandra Kim, executive director of capital markets and finance. After the roughly $20,000 per year raise, their salaries will range from $216,370 to $247,500.

John Wilton, vice chancellor of administration and finance at UC Berkeley, will receive an annual base salary of $375,000 – nine percent higher than the position’s salary range midpoint at $344,000.

Five Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory employees received pay raises ranging from 1.8 to 3.2 percent, becoming annual salaries of $278,940 to 326,372. Funds from the federal Department of Energy contract pay laboratory employee salaries.

In addition, David H. Hosley, interim vice chancellor of University Relations at UC Merced, is serving an additional year with regent approval. His salary will remain at $201,000.

The regents must approve all salaries and appointments of senior management positions. With the exception of the laboratory employees, all salaries are funded exclusively by the state.

These raises came one day after UC President Mark Yudof’s address to the board, where he said chancellors have been given specific reduction targets for the coming months.

“I am operating under the belief that [Brown’s] proposed cuts are coming our way, and that we must act swiftly and responsibly to prepare for them – even as we continue to press the case of our critical roles in shaping the destiny of this great state,” he said.

For the first time in UC history, the tuition paid by students will exceed the state’s contribution to the costs for education, if Brown’s budget is approved. This means that the university will soon no longer be able guarantee admission to all eligible Californians.

“We can’t cut our way to growth … the Master Plan for Higher Education, which I have noted many, many times, is an absolutely marvelous plan – if only it were funded,” he said.

– Janelle Bitker


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