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Friday, July 26, 2024

Surviving Valentine’s Day single

We’ve all been there. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you still don’t have a date. Don’t start wallowing in sadness or hanging up your “Singles Awareness Day” banners just yet – there is plenty to do on Feb. 14, single or taken.

The first option is to pretend that it’s not even Valentine’s Day. The drug store and supermarket could make this difficult, however. Since mid-January, these stores have been loading up on heart shaped balloons and boxes of chocolate covered with sentimental statements.

Anna Kennedy, a junior wildlife, fish and conservation biology major has a plan on how to combat this.

“Feb. 14 is my good friend’s 21st birthday,” she said, “So we will be at the bars celebrating [the birthday] and ignoring the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day.”

If ignoring the day is too much to handle, there are other ways to cope. A popular option among students surveyed at the ASUCD Coffee House was to go to the movies, stay in and have a girls’ (or guys’) night or take yourself or a platonic friend on a date. Students also suggested the old Valentine’s cliché – indulge in ice cream and chocolate.

If chocolate, ice cream and elaborate Valentine’s Day distractions are not for you, you can always keep your Feb. 14 simple.

“I usually just hang out with friends,” said Steven Shinbane, a sophomore undeclared major.

Shinbane also mentioned plans to make this particular Valentine’s Day a memorable one, valentine or not. For UC Davis students, red roses and boxed chocolates have been completely overshadowed by one person: Snoop Dogg.

Snoop Dogg is performing at Freeborn Hall for all those who purchased tickets and he does not care if you have a date or not. Unfortunately for those that did not act fast enough, tickets are sold out, but all is not lost for those single on Valentine’s Day.

Raj Singh, a sophomore human development major offered a suggestion that takes advantage of being single on what can otherwise be a very lonely day.

“Throw a ‘singles party,'” he said, “Then you can hang out with a lot of other single people, particularly those of the opposite sex.”

While Singh’s suggestion offers a way to potentially end Valentine’s Day with a date, the party scene may not be for everyone.

Whether you have a date or are flying solo this year, Valentine’s Day can still be a fun holiday. Go out with friends, catch Snoop Dogg at Freeborn, grab some ice cream or head out to a singles party. Who knows, you may end up meeting someone to spend next Valentine’s Day with.

JENNIFER SCOFIELD can be reached at features@theaggie.org.


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