96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Editorial: Aggie Stadium

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency named our very own Aggie Stadium the most sustainable college football field in the nation. It recycled or composted over 90 percent of the waste produced at an Oct. 27 home football game. While we lost the battle to Southern Alabama that night, we won the war against landfills.

This waste diversion rate far surpassed any competition, as Ohio State’s Ohio Stadium finished second with 68 percent of waste recycled or composted. Though there is room to grow, this margin of victory shows how awesome UC Davis is when it comes to sustainability.

Auburn University may enjoy its $18 million football National Championship payout, but UC Davis is rolling around in the most green.

Stanford University, you might have the best college quarterback in a generation, but we have the most sustainable college football field. Ever.

This designation is just another addition to the list of awesomeness that is Aggie Stadium. Not only can fans sit on green grass while watching the game, they also have the privilege of knowing they’re at the greenest stadium in the nation.

Recognition from the EPA shows UC Davis’ commitment to sustainability. By expanding its green policy to athletics, the university is once again showing its dominance over all other campuses. The only way our opponents are green is with envy. We may be blue and gold, but together we are green.


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