Safeway is base
Someone saw a male looking in the window of their apartment. The subject ran toward Safeway, on Cowell Boulevard.
But base is boring
Someone was about to get in the shower and saw a white iPhone in her window taking pictures, on Monarch Lane.
Free puppy
There was a Petco shopping cart with a Chihuahua tied to the inside, unattended on West Covell Boulevard.
Not to mention the annoying sound of children
There was a loud bounce house motor in a backyard on L Street.
Secret portal?
A subject was attempting to cut through a ceiling vent on Lake Boulevard.
We all have those days
A subject was trespassing by walking along an alleyway, talking to himself about doing drugs, on F Street.
Probably human flesh
Someone called to complain about the smell of what the neighbors were cooking, on Hanover Drive.
The Police Briefs are compiled from the city of Davis Daily Crime Bulletins. Sometime they’re insensitive. Contact BECKY PETERSON at