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Davis, California

Friday, August 30, 2024

News in Brief: Press conference held to discuss Student Activism Team

UC Davis administrators and staff have joined forces to monitor campus action. Dubbed the Student Activism Team, members keep an eye on protests and communicate with police should something unlawful occur.

Today at 10 a.m. students and the greater campus community will gather at the south side of the Memorial Union to discuss this team. The press conference will be held with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and is expected to last until 1 p.m.

“Students have a right to know the entire story here,” said Cres Vellucci, a member of Sacramento County’s ACLU board of directors, in a past interview with The California Aggie. “Who was monitoring them, and why, and if any files have been created relating to student organizers and participants.”

A California Public Records Act request yielded over 200 pages of documents, which show correspondences between team members and the police as well as team protocol. Members maintain that the purpose of the team is to protect free speech and ensure student safety.

Students are expected to reveal more information obtained from the documents at the press conference.

– Janelle Bitker


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