72.1 F

Davis, California

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Police Briefs


Justice is blind

Someone was seen removing eyeglass frames from a business on C Street.

Low blow

Someone found marijuana in her son’s room on Cedar Place.


Under the mattress always works better

There was an elderly female in Wells Fargo Bank asking to withdraw $15,000 from her account on F Street.

Sounds like love

Someone’s friend was being held against his will by his girlfriend on C Street.

Urine trouble

Two college aged males urinated on someone’s porch at Arlington Farms. He wants to press charges.

Holy cow

There were over 100 people outside in costumes, yelling, on Fourth and A Street.


Lady magnet

A transient with three dogs was playing with three girls on the playground at Moore Boulevard.

And THAT’S why you never sleep with the window open

Someone was sleeping with the windows open, heard a noise, woke up and saw two subjects in dark clothing on Glacier Drive.

Sounds familiar

Two males attempted to pull the screen off of a woman’s window, and ran when she screamed on Pinnacles Street.

Police Briefs are compiled from the city of Davis daily crime bulletins. You commit the crimes, BECKY PETERSON just writes about them. Contact her at city@theaggie.org.


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