Despite preliminary reports suggesting an increase in citations from last year’s Picnic Day, UC Davis administrators and police declared this year’s event a success.
We applaud all those involved for handling their shit.
On Saturday afternoon Fred Wood, vice chancellor of Student Affairs, said he was pleased at the way Picnic Day went this year.
Though there was more police activity this year as well as more arrests and citations, this does not equal failure. In fact, this increase is expected. With more police patrolling campus and the city of Davis, more citations and arrests are to be expected.
Though the local police deserve credit for their fervent attempts to create a safe environment, Picnic Day’s success can’t be attributed to the authorities alone. The Picnic Day Board of Directors played a huge role in orchestrating a much safer event. Bars and restaurants sacrificed early-morning sales on their most profitable day of the year to limit alcohol consumption.
Most of all it is the students who deserve the biggest applause. Not only did they handle their shit but they did so by having fun and doing it safely.