59.1 F

Davis, California

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Editorial: ASUCD budget

In past years, ASUCD budget hearings have been long and disorganized, and it was clear senators were not familiar with the budget. However, this year, budget hearings ran smoothly and the budget itself was reasonable.

The members of the executive office coached the senate on budget hearing procedures and as a result, it seemed like the senate understood what to expect. Instead of running over the scheduled meeting times like last year, budget hearings ended early. Even with this improvement, the senate still effectively scrutinized the budget.

ASUCD chose to cut the Book Exchange to invest in more productive units such as The Pantry and KDVS. In addition, the executive office decided against giving the president, controller, senators and commission chairs pay raises. We support these decisions because ASUCD officials should be focused on helping the student community; giving themselves raises while cutting units just looks bad.

While ASUCD did a good job with the budget, there were some issues that were not handled correctly.

President Adam Thongsavat proposed an increase to his special project budget from $1,800 to $3,150 with the intention of creating the community t-shirt project. Despite being reduced to $3,000 this still seems excessive.

The t-shirts, which would be available for purchase, are supposed to foster a sense of community. However, $3,000 would be a lot of money to spend on t-shirts, especially when students already have the option of buying UC Davis apparel elsewhere.

Despite some unnecessary spending, the ASUCD 2011-12 budget was handled well with most funds appropriated fairly. Future senators should continue to work hard on the budget and make fiscally responsible decisions that benefit the student body.


  1. @People:

    Did you really just try to make an analogy between an enormous public university and a rose bush? Seriously? I won’t even begin to tackle some of your points with that outlandish use of a simile.

  2. UC faculty need to put pocket book rather than words forward. Californians face foreclosure, unemployment, depressed wages and higher taxes: it’s time the Governor, UC Board of Regents, President Yudof showed leadership by curbing costs, particularly wages, benefits. As a Californian, I don’t care what others earn at private, public universities. If wages better elsewhere, chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured, non tenured faculty, UCOP should apply for the positions. If wages commit employees to UC, leave for better paying position. The sky above UC will not fall.

    California suffers from the greatest deficit modern times. UC wages, benefits must reflect California’s ability to pay, not what others paid elsewhere. Campus chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured & non-tenured faculty, UCOP are replaceable by the more talented.

    UC eases pressure for additional taxes:

    No furloughs

    18 percent reduction in UCOP salaries & $50 million cut.

    18 percent prune of campus chancellors’, vice chancellors’ salaries.

    15 percent trim of tenured faculty salaries, increased teaching load

    10 percent decrease in non-tenured faculty salaries, as well as increase research, teaching load

    100% elimination of all Academic Senate, Academic Council costs, wages.

    Rose bushes bloom after pruning.

    The Governor, UC Board of Regents, whining President can bridge the trust gap to public by offering reassurances that salaries reflect depressed wages in California. The sky above UC will not fall.

    Californians are reasonable people. Levy no new taxes until an approved balanced budget: let the Governor/Legislature lead; make the tough-minded (not cold hearted) decisions of elected leadership. Afterwards come to public for continuing, specified taxes.

    Thanking you in advance for advocating for all Californians, University of California


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