78 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Best Quotes

“I stop at the In-N-Out hamburger, cause everybody is smiling there. Everything is peaceful there. People are basically happy and the food is cheap.”

UC President Mark Yudof

about his trips home to Oakland after lobbying in Sacramento

“We are a sex charity club, so a lot of people have wondered what it’s like to be in the porn industry.”

Molly Russell

about the Sex, Lust, Un-Tamed’s porn screening on April 20

“Without us, this university would not run. Maybe there should be a day when UC has to try to function without their workers.” 

Jordan Carroll

about Teaching Assistants being overworked and going on strike

“Our money is going toward officials to spy on us. And spying is by no means a stretch, it’s what they’re doing.”

Eric Lee

about the discovery of the UC Davis Student Activism Team

“Engineers are all miserable but then after they graduate they’re like, cha-ching. They’re like, ‘did you have a good time in college? I didn’t, but now I’m making hella money.'”

Thomas Osterberg-Diess

on science majors at UC Davis

“Neville doubted himself, but he’s a total BAMF.”

Alex Ralph

about lessons to take away from Harry Potter

“I was a really shy as a kid, so I just read … I spent every recess period devouring them. For third grade, Harry Potter was my best friend.”

Allison Callow

about founding the Harry Potter Alliance at UC Davis

– compiled by Nick Markwith


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