96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Davis Anime Club

The Tuesday article concerning the Davis Anime Club was a touchstone on the part of The Aggie journalism team. For that, I applaud the efforts of all involved.

I’ll be honest; I wasn’t too inclined to read the article at first. It’s the week before finals, and, well, I’m a busy student — only time to read the “relevant” Aggie stories. Boy was I wrong!

Like any respirating creature, the article was breathtaking. What themes! What exciting motifs! A wonderful euphoric feeling filled my body after I read it — as if I had just shot up some awesome street drug or was postcoital with the celebrity crush of my teenage years.

Thank you so much for showing me what life is all about. I’ve scheduled an appointment with Urban Body to have the DAC article tattooed on my chest. I’ve also dropped out of school in order to become a mountain top ascetic. Hopefully through the magic of the article I will be able to provide direction for lost souls apathetic with the misery routine of existence. They will come to my mountain-top home, broken and lame, and ask “What does it all mean?” to which I shall exclaim “Read!”

Morgan Woolf

Senior community and regional development major

Editor’s note: The “the” at the beginning of the letter was omitted in the original publication. It has since been added


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