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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Aggie News Highlights

Brown, Whitman battle for votes in first gubernatorial debate

Sept. 29, 2010

The governor’s race got local as UC Davis hosted the first of three debates between Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman. Whitman focused on business, reforming the system; Brown emphasized experience, derided opponent’s billionaire status.

Donations to be made public under new bill

Sept. 27, 2010

University of California objected to the transparency of funds. Former Gov. Schwarzenegger had until Sept. 30 to veto an amended senate bill that calls for increased transparency of University of California, California State University and California Community Colleges subsidiary, as well as auxiliary organizations.

New initiative aimed at battling hate

Oct. 21, 2010

With the string of hate crimes in the 2009-10 academic year, the

UC Davis administration implemented a Campus Action Plan to address reoccurring incidents of hate and bias. The plan includes a Rapid Response Team, to serve as the campus’ first response to future incidences, and the Hate-Free Campus Initiative, which includes activities and educational programs that seek to build an inclusive campus community.

Aggies, Mother Nature rain on Hornets’ parade

Nov. 22, 2010

It was the 57th installment of the Causeway Classic football game between UC Davis and Sacramento State and one of the most memorable. Aside from the rivalry implications, if the Aggies win, they secure their 39th winning season in 40 years. The game was halted at halftime for nearly an hour as a heavy thunderstorm passed by Aggie Stadium. When the game resumed in front of barely 150 fans, UC Davis kicker Sean Kelly drilled a 21-yard field goal in less than ideal conditions to give the Aggies the win and bragging rights over their rival for one more year.

Tuition to increase by 8 percent

Nov. 22, 2010

At its November meeting, the UC Board of Regents approved an 8

percent tuition hike beginning Fall 2011. Systemwide student fees will start at $11,124 – an $822 increase. In addition, the regents voted to raise the ceiling of full tuition coverage from families making $70,000 to families earning $80,000. Families making up to $120,000 will receive grants to offset the fee increase.

FDA bans Four Loko

Nov. 23, 2010

After nearly a year of examining the combination of alcohol and caffeine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced an official ban on caffeinated alcoholic beverages, bringing to an end the debate over Four Loko, the product at the center of discussion.

Regents approve retiree plan

Jan. 3, 2011

The UC Board of Regents voted to gradually reduce the amount the university pays for retiree health care from 89 percent to 70 percent by 2018. This means employees will be paying higher premiums for their post-retirement health plans, and new employees hired after

July 1, 2013, will have to work until age 65 in order to retire with the same level of benefits that current employees receive at age

60. Lower-paid employees, such as groundskeepers and custodial workers, said their work is too physically taxing to continue until age


Ciocolat found in violation of health code

Jan. 4, 2011

Ciocolat, a cafe in downtown Davis, received major violations during a routine health inspection on Nov. 9. The restaurant at 301 B St. failed to comply with the Yolo County code for retail food vendors because of sanitation issues.

City supports stricter punishments on Picnic Day

Jan. 10, 2011

City of Davis discussed higher fines in downtown Davis for Picnic Day violations, including public drunkenness, carrying an open container and urinating in public. A desire for more family friendliness and the events of Picnic Day 2010 were cited as reasons to change.

New unit offers unique solution to struggling students

Jan. 11, 2011

ASUCD opened a food bank designed to help struggling students ensure that they have access to at least one meal on campus. The

Pantry is open to all who present a UC Davis AggieCard and provides those students with up to three points worth of food each weekday. For example, a bag of rice is three points and a granola bar is one point. The Pantry is primarily supported by monetary and food donations.

Brown’s budget plan cuts $500 million from UC

Jan. 12, 2011

California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed a budget that cuts roughly $1.4 billion from higher education, as part of a financial solution he warned would be “painful” and “honest.” UC officials warned that further budget cuts are contingent on voters.

UC Davis student arrested for terrorist threats

Jan. 24, 2011

Nicholas Benson, a senior communication major, was arrested on a Friday evening after police received reports that he was armed and had threatened to kill others.

No new leases for Domes residents

Jan. 26, 2011

Student Housing estimated that two to three of the 14 structures at The Domes need to undergo renovations in order to meet the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thus, they did not give out new leases to Domes residents to allow for renovations. Domes residents will need to vacate their homes by August 1 unless they can convince the administration to pursue an alternative plan.

UC to evacuate students from Egypt amid political unrest

Feb. 1, 2011

Egyptian students in Davis struggled to stay in contact with families in Cairo due to political turmoil in the region; The University of California suspended its study abroad program in the area and evacuated students from Cairo.

ASUCD winter election results

Feb. 22, 2011

BOLD candidates Adam Thongsavat and Bree Rombi won the

ASUCD president and vice president seats, respectively. Out of six senate seats, four of the winners were also BOLD candidates –

Yena Bae, Brendan Repicky, Amy Martin and Mayra Martín. Bae set an ASUCD record by securing 849 first place votes, surpassing Lula

Ahmed-Falol’s Fall 2007 record of 746 votes. Miguel Espinoza and Eli

Yani snagged the last two senate seats.

Students robbed at gunpoint near frat

Feb. 22, 2011

Two UC Davis students were robbed at gunpoint outside Nu Alpha Kappa, a Latino-based fraternity, after a party. The suspects then stole a car, crashed it into the wall of a daycare center and threw a gun into a playground.

Let’s dance!

March 14, 2011

The UC Davis women’s basketball team clinched UC Davis’ first-ever berth in the NCAA Tournament after winning the Big West Conference Tournament. The Aggies topped Cal Poly in the championship game to clinch the place in the national tournament. This season was also coach Sandy Simpson’s last at the helm of the Aggies.

Japan quake keeps students in California

March 28, 2011

The Education Abroad Center cancelled the spring Japanese Language and Culture program in response to the earthquake in Japan on March 11. Twenty-seven students were enrolled in the cancelled program.

Gary Stewart out as men’s basketball coach

March 31, 2011

Men’s basketball coach Gary Stewart just never found his groove leading the Aggies. After finishing last in the Big West Conference in Stewart’s eighth-straight losing season, Athletic Director Greg Warzecka and Stewart mutually agreed it was time to move on. Stewart was replaced by former National Basketball Association player Jim Les.

Administrators formalize team to monitor activism

April 5, 2011

Through a Public Records Act request, students discovered the existence of The Student Activism Team – a group of Student Affairs administrators and staff charged with monitoring campus protests.

Members of the team view the team as a way of ensuring student safety and promoting free speech. But as the team was not publicly known, dating back to its formation in August 2010, students deemed it a breach of trust and an infringement of first amendment rights.

Community concerned about crimes at Islamic Center

April 26, 2011

In a letter to The Davis Enterprise, the Oeste Manor Neighborhood Association sought to raise awareness about a series of crimes against the Davis Islamic Center. The mosque was allegedly vandalized several times, as recently as January.

Athletics Director Greg Warzecka to retire

May 11, 2011

Greg Warzecka announced his retirement from the position of athletic director in May after a 16-year tenure. While at the helm, Warzecka oversaw the transition from Division II to Division I and the building of Aggie Stadium. The athletic department will conduct a nationwide search for his replacement.

Crimes cause end of Whole Earth Festival DJ stage

May 16, 2011

UC Davis officials determined that the DJ stage will not return for the Whole Earth Festival next year due to three aggressive crimes under investigation, including sexual battery and rape. The rape of a 16-year-old girl reportedly occurred during the festival in a men’s bathroom in Wellman Hall, located just west of the DJ stage. Student programmers said they would reevaluate the schedule for next year’s festival.

– compiled by Jason Alpert, Janelle Bitker and Becky Peterson


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