95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Davis Neighbors’ Night Out hopes to unite community

This Sunday is the annual Davis Neighbors’ Night Out event.

The event, which began in 2006, aims to reproduce the national Neighbors’ Night Out event, which usually takes place in October. This year the event will be co-sponsored by ASUCD, UC Davis and the City of Davis.

“The whole premise of the event is bettering neighborhood relations. It’s basically one huge block party,” said Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president.

The goal of the event is to increase neighborhood camaraderie through a day of block parties throughout the city.

“[It’s important] just to get students to become part of the neighborhood; I think it’s important that for students living off campus that the neighbors get to know each other,” said Stacey Winton, a community partnership coordinator for the city of Davis, who is involved in the event.

Davis Neighbors’ Night Out also aims to help neighbors communicate and get know each other.

“We believe that starting the academic year on a positive note will reduce the potential for misunderstandings or conflicts by opening lines of communication among all residents,” said a statement on the Davis Neighbors’ Night Out website.

“The event is a block party located in individual neighborhoods. We ask someone in the neighborhood to hold a party, and then we send out invitations for the host and help plan the party,” Winton said.

Both West Village and The Colleges student housing are holding block parties in order to get more students involved in the event.

Furthermore, ASUCD will provide food to any student party that registers through the Davis Neighbors’ Night Out website. Students can receive food, paper products and other resources for the party – all they have to do is host. Thongsavat encourages students to get involved with the event. “Why not feel a part of this community? We’re here for four years and we have an obligation to make it better,” Thongsavat said.

Students can still sign up to host a party on the registration website, cityofdavis.org/neighbors.

“I think it has huge potential. It could be a signature Davis day,” Thongsavat said. “You can throw a party and get away with it.”

HANNAH STRUMWASSER can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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