89.3 F

Davis, California

Monday, July 22, 2024

Featured Artist: Kyle Dunn

Editor’s Note: MUSE hopes to provide a creative space for local artists to showcase their artwork. E-mail arts@theaggie.org if you have any original paintings, short stories, poems, photography, etc. that you would like us to feature in MUSE.

Kyle Austin Dunn is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate at UC Davis. His artwork features a variety of different subjects and mediums. Before coming to Davis, Dunn graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Fine Art. At Davis, he has won the Mary Lou Osborn MFA Award from the department of art and art history. MUSE sat down with Dunn to ask him a few questions about his artwork.

The Aggie: How did you get started with art?

Dunn: I am not sure exactly how or when I got started with art. The answer to that question will probably be one that changes over time.  Right now, I would say that my art-making started when I began taking photographs as a 13 year-old.  That was the first time I can remember setting out to make what I now consider to be art.

Where do you get the inspiration for your artwork?

I think my inspiration probably comes from my own life experiences.  Nothing too specific or awe-inspiring. I just make what I want to see.

How would you describe your style of art?

It would be hard to narrow down all of my interests into one word, but a few keywords that can partially describe my work would be: colorful, precise, hard-edged, linear- and playful.

What are your favorite mediums to work with?

I have enjoyed using a lot of synthetic materials lately in painting and sculpture.  Polystyrene, PVC pipe, acrylic (paint and solid sheet), mylar, latex paint, metallic and fluorescent spray-paint. I enjoy painting with acrylic because it dries very fast and fluorescent colors are easy to find.

What are some cool places you have gotten to display your artwork at?

When I was in high school one of my drawings was shown at the Capitol building in Washington D.C.  I also did a three-dimensional drawing with steel wire at the Appleton Museum of Art in Florida. The concept for that show, as well as the space I showed in, was very cool.

PAAYAL ZAVERI can be reached at arts@theaggie.org.


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