97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Campus chic

Michael Hoye, sophomore political science public service major, human rights minor

The Aggie: What are you wearing?
Hoye: “Skinny jeans and a pleather jacket I got from Urban Outfitters. These shoes are from Urban Outfitters, too.”

Where do you find inspiration?
“I’m in a band, Finish Ticket, so I’m inspired by other musicians, I guess.”

How did you decide what to wear today?
“I wore these jeans yesterday, so they were just on top of my stack of clothes.”

What are you looking forward to wearing this season?
“I guess jackets. I don’t think about it a lot, I just buy whatever I think is cool.”

STEPHANIE B. NGUYEN can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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