95.7 F

Davis, California

Saturday, August 31, 2024

New economic study shows impact of UC Davis

Between the Sacramento and Davis campuses, the economic impact of UC Davis has topped $6.9 billion.

Providing over 69,000 jobs (48,000 in Davis and 20,000 in Sacramento), UC Davis has a large impact on the state.

“The leadership of the campus feels a responsibility to the citizens to demonstrate how we contribute,” said Dean and Professor in the UC Davis Graduate School of Management Steven Currall.

The new report on the economic impact of UC Davis has just been released and was conducted by the Sacramento-based Center for Strategic Economic Research. The last time that the Davis campus had this study conducted was in 2004.

The first piece of the report was done on the Sacramento campus, which houses the UC Davis Medical School. The main campus then decided that it needed to update its 2004 findings.

Showing large growth between their 2004 and 2009-10 numbers, it was determined that every two jobs found at UC Davis, 1.2 new jobs were established in other areas, further benefiting the economy.

“We would like to grow, not just maintain. [We want to] ensure that discovery leads to commercial products that benefit society,” Currall said.

Not only were the main campus and medical school included in the study, but also satellite campuses of Davis, spread among Northern California.

As a result of the findings, UC Davis’ economic impact is now comparable to certain industries. The Northern California telecommunications industry is as large as the impact of employment of the UC Davis campus.

Additionally, the findings revealed that $368.9 million was spent by students and visitors attending the UC Davis main campus and medical school.

According to Currall, UC Davis’ role as a catalyst for the economy is a result of being such a huge employer, conducting research, strong education programs and a large impact as an organization.

DANIELLE HUDDLESTUN can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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