60.8 F

Davis, California

Monday, January 20, 2025

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Jan. 19 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room. The ASUCD president is not required to attend senate meetings.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president, present
Bree Rombi, ASUCD vice president, present
Yena Bae, ASUCD senator, present
Jared Crisologo-Smith, ASUCD senator, present
Miguel Espinoza, ASUCD senator, present
Justin Goss, ASUCD senator, present
Anni Kimball, ASUCD senator, present
Amy Martin, ASUCD senator, present
Mayra Martín, ASUCD senator, present
Erica Padgett, ASUCD senator, present
Brendan Repicky, ASUCD senator, present
Patrick Sheehan, ASUCD senator, present
Ryan Meyerhoff, ASUCD senator, present
Yara Zokaie, ASUCD senator, present

Akshar Gopal from Aggie Pack said that anything over the $ 6,000 expense for 2011-12 homecoming  given from ASUCD was covered by Athletics. Aggie Pack generously received 4,000 t-shirts in donations for homecoming.  He also said that those who donated the shirts had control over advertisements on the back of the shirts.

Appointments and confirmations
Somitra Butalia, Aysha Pal, Nadia K. Mulji and Jennifer Nguyen were confirmed to the ethnic and cultural affairs commission (ECAC).

Mymy Nguyen, Matt Remick, and Karen Lee were confirmed to the Outreach Assembly (OA).

Candidates Michael Matoisch and Felisha Ong were confirmed to the External Affairs Commission (EAC)

Christine Sifferman and Stephanie Johnson were confirmed to the Academic Affairs Commission.

Candidates Rachael Valler and Desun Oka were confirmed to the Gender and Sexuality Commission (GASC)

Jasmine Garcha was confirmed to the Internal Affairs Commission (IAC)

Unit director reports
Sabastian Belser of Tipsy Taxi said that the unit is doing very well. There is now  one full quarter of data on the website. He also said that the basic phone service for Tipsy Taxi now has a menu. He said that his two-year reign is coming to an end, and he will be posting the position for hire within the quarter.

Consideration of old legislation
Senate Bill 38, authored by Andre Lee and co-authored by Ho, Hu, Maemura and Thongsavat, to require all ASUCD units to purchase t-shirts through Campus Copies/Classical Notes’ garment printing service. Martin stated that she was hesitant to pass it because of confusion over if current bill was part of the initial bill. Thongsavat stated he was more than happy to table the bill, and the bill was tabled.

Senate Resolution 41, authored by Lee and co-authored by Barnett, Maemura, Martin, and Sheehan,  to strengthen accountability, transparency and informed decision – making in the ASUCD Annual Operating Budget. The resolution was withdrawn by Sheehan and tabled.

Senate Resolution 47, authored by Patrick Sheehan and co-authored by Lee, to extend the contribution matching period for the Campaign for ASUCD Scholarships, passed unanimously.

Senate Resolution 48, authored by Patrick Sheehan, to allocate $1,496.14 from STS/ Tipsy Taxi Equipment Reserves to reimburse Unitrans for the purchase of a GPS unit, passed unanimously.

Public discussion
Repicky said that the Aggie Restore has been cool so far.

Goss said that news reached him that the frequent occupation outside US Bank in MU is bad and workers are starting to fear for their safety, they can’t operate and have talked about pulling out of the MU. Goss further stated that should the bank leave, UC Davis is then liable for their expenditures, and $40,000 is the cost to get them out of the building. Sheehan further stated that there is even the possibility of the campus being sued if the US Bank pulls out and that if they support the occupation of the bank, there is the possibility of hurting the students more than the bank. Losing one bank is not going to hurt US Bank at all, but could hurt ASUCD directly, Sheehan said.

Public announcements
Meyerhoff said that the new coffee house in the Student Community Center , the South CoHo cafe, opened Friday.

Rombi said that there will be a CalPIRG kick-off meeting today at 7p.m. in Hunt 100. There will be free pizza. CalPIRG also talked to over 7,000 students and hired over 60 students for internships in just a week.

Annamarie Stone said that there is an event Thursday for the two year anniversary of Haitian earthquake. A Facebook event will be launched shortly.

Espinoza said on Wednesday there will be an all day youth conference at Ali Baba.

Margaret Link, chair of Environmental Policy and Planning Commission, said The Aggie is featuring a section titled Doing it Green, if you have an suggestions how to do it green, e-mail The Aggie.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Open positions within ASUCD can be found at vacancy.ucdavis.edu. ALICIA KINDRED compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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