I am appalled at the comic from Jan. 31 and honestly surprised to see such a comic in The Aggie. I did not expect to see a comic full of misogyny. After the recent hate event at the WRRC I felt I needed to let you know that publishing this type of material is inappropriate.
Slut shaming is one the oldest methods of oppressing and controlling women. Women are told that expression of their sexuality is wrong, sinful and damaging to their character. So women go through life denying their sexual urges and often being undereducated about sexual health. A woman has every right to express and explore her sexuality as she pleases in a responsible manner. A woman’s sexuality is a personal decision and society should respect that.
I say this to those who work at The Aggie and all those reading this letter: It’s time to decide whether you are going to support misogyny or work to create a world where women are treated as equals in society. And guys, if you find yourself relating to Tuesday’s comic, your search for a girlfriend won’t be ending anytime soon.
Amanda Dunham