62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campus Judicial Report

No texting while testing

During a final exam, a student was discovered to have a phone in her lap. The student was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA), where she claimed that she did not use or intend to use her phone to cheat.  Nonetheless, the student was still in violation of University policy, which states that no unauthorized materials may be out during an exam.  As a result, the student agreed to be placed on Disciplinary Probation, which is defined as a specified period of time during which a student must demonstrate conduct that conforms to University standards.  If a student is found “in violation” for misconduct during this period, the student will receive more severe disciplinary sanctions.

Too busy? Too bad

A freshman engineering student was referred to SJA for turning in another student’s take-home exam. The student stated that her friend was very busy and had asked her to turn in his exam for him. While the student did not intend to violate the Code of Academic Conduct, the professor had required all students to hand in their papers in person.  The student therefore agreed to accept a Censure for a non-dishonest violation of academic conduct. A Censure is a written reprimand for student misconduct that is kept on file.

Dorm drinking

A Resident Advisor referred a student to SJA after the student was found in her suite severely intoxicated and vomiting. The student stated that she had just returned from a fraternity party where she had drunk a significant amount of alcohol. As the student had violated Student Housing policy and unlawfully drank as a minor, she agreed to be placed on Deferred Separation. Deferred Separation means that a student has given up their right to a formal hearing upon a second referral and, if found in violation, will likely receive greater sanctions.


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