43.4 F

Davis, California

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Senate Briefs

ASUCD Senate meetings are scheduled to begin Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Times listed are according to the clock at the Feb. 16, 2012 meeting location, the Memorial Union’s Mee Room. The ASUCD president is not required to attend senate meetings.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Adam Thongsavat, ASUCD president, present, left early
Bree Rombi, ASUCD vice president, present
Yena Bae, ASUCD senator, present
Jared Crisologo-Smith, ASUCD senator, present
Miguel Espinoza, ASUCD senator, present
Justin Goss, ASUCD senator, present
Ani Kimball, ASUCD senator, present, left early
Amy Martin, ASUCD senator, present
Mayra Martín, ASUCD senator, present
Ryan Meyerhoff, ASUCD senator, present
Erica Padgett, ASUCD senator, present
Brendan Repicky, ASUCD senator, present
Patrick Sheehan, ASUCD senator, present
Yara Zokaie, ASUCD senator, present

Appointments and confirmations
Kevin Pelstring was confirmed as Chief Justice of the court with a 9-1-2 vote. Goss voted not to confirm him.

Members from the Business and Finance Commission presented on various units and how they’re doing based on the audits.

Members from the UC Davis Occupy Movement asked the senate for their endorsement and help with advertising a day of awareness on March 1 about budget issues.

Consideration of old legislation
Senate Bill 63, authored by Don Ho, co-authored by Thongsavat, Chu, Glass-Moore, Lin, Lee and Maemura, introduced by Bae, to create the Entrepreneurship Fund Special Committee, which allocates $6,201 to encourage entrepreneurship. The bill passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m.
Open positions within ASUCD can be found at vacancy.ucdavis.edu. AKSHAYA RAMANUJAM compiles the senate briefs. She can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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