55.7 F

Davis, California

Sunday, February 9, 2025

SHAWCing Tip

Bacteria are in the air! Winter is here and with it comes the symphony of sniffles, coughs and the sound of general misery. You can avoid joining the sick masses just by going to sleep at a regular time. A recent study found that the immune system is linked to your circadian rhythm — your body’s clock set to a 24 hour cycle. When that rhythm is disrupted, it can make us more susceptible to infection and disease. So as you finish with your midterms and prepare for the final descent of Winter quarter, be sure to make sleep a regular part of your study habits!

For those of us who need to supplement our sleep during the day, be sure to drop by Health, Education, & Promotion (HEP) on the third floor of the Student Health and Wellness Center. They have nap kits to make your afternoon siestas on campus a little more comfortable on campus.

The ASUCD Student Health and Wellness Committee (SHAWC) aims to promote and address important health-related issues on campus. We serve as a liaison between ASUCD and campus health organizations, clubs, and resources. If you have SHAWCing suggestions, questions, or tips, please e-mail us at shawcucd@gmail.com and like us on our Facebook page!


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