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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Competitive election season comes to a close, victors announced

The Winter 2012 ASUCD election results were announced early Friday afternoon after great anticipation of one of the most competitive election seasons in recent years.

Former senators Rebecca Sterling and Yena Bae were successful

in their executive bid for office. They won 2,749 votes out of 4,543.

In the senate race Joyce Han, Paul Min, Bradley Bottoms, Donkeyonta Gilbert, Beatriz Anguiano and Kabir Kapur all came away with a win. There were 15 senate candidates.

“We want to bring a positive energy to campus, we want people to be excited, people to be interacting with each other,” said Sterling, newly elected ASUCD president.

Sterling commented on her shift in position within ASUCD.

“They are very different positions; fortunately I’ve been working closely with the current president to understand the rules and responsibilities,” she said.

Newly elected senators also had plans for campus, eagerly waiting

for their chance to apply themselves.

“I can’t wait to do work, that’s what it comes down to,” Bottoms said. “We’re going to try to work our hardest to make sure that the association stays together even though there is a 43 percent cut coming next year.”

Kapur said, “It was an awesome election season; now we have to work together.”

Student spectators marveled at the level of energy and enthusiasm

that came from the campaigns as the results were being announced

“I’m pretty surprised to see the amount of excitement,” said onlooker

first-year student Ziqing Huang. “I think next year I’m going to
participate more.”

Almost all candidates cited an intense level of competition during

the election season.

“It was great to see this many candidates go out for the election,”

Bottoms said .

First-year Han was grateful for the amount of support the UC Davis community gave her.

“I’m so excited to be given this opportunity,” Han said .

MAX GARRITY RUSSER can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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