49.4 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

SHAWCing Tips

We have all heard that exercise helps us reduce stress, but did you know that exercise could also help your brain? A research team from the University of Iowa found that resistance training and aerobic exercise both give your brain a boost — but in different ways. Researchers believe that the more you perform focused resistance workouts (lifting weights, for example), the more you will be able to avoid distractions in other areas of your life. Meanwhile, cardio involves long and constant effort, which scientists believe can improve your cognitive ability to carry out multiple tasks for long periods of time and stick to plans.

Speaking of carrying out multiple tasks, you can get your study on while you work out! On cardio machines that require less coordination, such as the stationary bikes and elliptical machines, you can go over notes and course readings while you work exercise into your busy schedule. The way we see it, it’s much easier to work studying into your exercise than it is to work exercise into your studying. Take it from us when we say the library is not ideal for calisthenics.

The ASUCD Student Health and Wellness Committee (SHAWC) aims to promote and address important health-related issues on campus. We serve as a liaison between ASUCD and campus health organizations, clubs and resources. If you have SHAWCing suggestions, questions or tips, please e-mail us at shawcucd@gmail.com and “Like” us on our Facebook page!


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