53.8 F

Davis, California

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

UC Davis “Therapy Fluffies” welcomed on Campus

At least once per quarter, the UC Davis Stress and Wellness Clinic’s Mind Spa, conveniently located at the Student Health and Wellness Center on the second floor Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Clinic, holds an event entitled “Therapy Fluffies.” The event, meant to help students de-stress and take a healthy break from the life of a college student, is hosted by the Yolo County SPCA.

“Excellent dogs like we have here today may not have passed prescribed ‘behavior tests’ at the shelter; [the animals] just need a warm environment where they can grow, and that’s where we come in and provide them with suitable foster homes. Our main adoption days are 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Davis Petco, adoptions include a two week trial period after an animal is adopted. We are always in need of volunteers and adoptive parents, our main goal is to help the animals,” said Yolo SPCA Volunteer Coordinator Anamarie Urrutia.

Students seem to appreciate the event as an opportunity to play with dogs and de-stress.

“I really appreciate the therapy dogs, since they remind me of my dog from home. I just love dogs a lot, so it’s really awesome when I can pet them without being embarrassed for asking,” said sophomore animal biology major Allison Royal.

For more information regarding “Therapy Fluffies” or on how you can get involved with animal rescue at the Yolo County SPCA, please e-mail volunteers@yolospca.org.

— Gheed Saeed


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