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Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

UC Regents discuss multi-year plan at March meeting

Last week, the UC Board of Regents held their March meeting Thursday and Friday at UCSF Mission Bay.

At the three-day meeting, the Regents discussed the 2012-13 UC budget. They also discussed a multi-year plan for UC that would potentially provide stability for UC finances and for UC students in the future. The university has been discussing the plan with Gov. Jerry Brown and the California Legislature.

At the meeting, UC President Mark Yudof  came out in support of Gov. Brown’s tax initiative and said that he would return to the Regents recommending that they support the initiative.

“In my view, it represents the best opportunity I’ve seen in my four years in California for the state to clamber out of a sinkhole of fiscal uncertainty and move forward into a better, more prosperous future,” Yudof said.

Students have also come out in support of the Brown’s tax initiative.

“Passing the proposed November tax initiative is critically important.  We need new revenue, and we should ask wealthy Californians to pay their fair share to fund our state’s future. The UC system cannot absorb another cut without a huge impact on affordability, accessibility and quality,” said Claudia Magaña, UCSA President and UC Santa Cruz student, in a press release.

According to Vice President of Budget and Capital Resources Patrick Lenz, if the tax initiative does not pass, the UC system could face a $200 million trigger cut. This cut could mean higher tuition for UC students.

According to a press release from the UC Office of the President, the UC system currently receives the same level of state funding as it did in 1997-98. However, today there is an additional campus and 73,000 more students.

On Thursday, protesters interrupted the meeting after the public comment session ended. The students were dressed in spring break attire, and said that they were “spring broke.”

Three UCLA students were arrested on charges of obstructing an officer and failure to disperse.

The next Regents meeting will take place in Sacramento, May 15 to 17.

The Regents will be joining students at the rally at the capitol in support of state funding for public education.

HANNAH STRUMWASSER can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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