78 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Campus Chic

Eunyoung Lee, third-year psychology and art history major

The Aggie: What are you wearing?
Lee: This is a thrifted silk blouse and an American Apparel corduroy skirt. My brown oxfords are from Forever 21 and my rings are thrifted and from H&M.

How did you decide what to wear today?
I bought this skirt two weeks ago and I haven’t worn it yet. It’s the first day of Spring quarter and I wanted to look cute!

Where do you find inspiration?
I like to go through Lookbook.nu and watching YouTube videos on style. My style changes depending on my mood. Some days it’s girly and feminine and other days it’s punk rock with dark makeup and all black.

What are you looking forward to wearing for warmer weather?
I bought this floral corset that I’m excited to wear with my riding pants from American Apparel.

STEPHANIE B. NGUYEN can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.


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