62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

News in Brief: University releases proposed reforms in response to Reynoso report

A series of proposed reforms were announced Wednesday in response to the Cruz Reynoso Task Force report that investigated the Nov. 18 pepper spraying of student protesters. The release offers steps to improve campus protest management, police response and communication between parties.

The University said that efforts have already begun in response to Reynoso Report recommendations. This includes a review of campus police operations and policy and the creation of a Campus Community Council which will serve as a medium for communication between university administration and university constituents, such as students, staff, alumni, emeriti and community members.

According to the action plan, expectations include recommendation implementation, the development of interim actions with the consultation of all parties involved and the evaluation of the effectiveness and intended outcome.

Recommendations that have been issued for the administration and leadership response include the establishment of an “agreement on policies regulating protests and civil disobedience,” to which the University proposed assigning a task force to discuss and edit campus policies concerning protest activity.

The report also suggests the development of “standardized policies for managing campus events and incidents.” The university has begun to update the Davis Campus Emergency Operations to bring them in accordance with the National Incident Management System/Standardized Emergency Management System.

Officials also plan to “heal the campus and apply Principles of Community in a practical fashion” by reviewing the Principles of Community so that they are better implemented throughout the campus, as suggested by the Reynoso Task Force.

Other recommendations include a review of the “protocols and procedures of the UC Davis police department” and the creation of a systemwide inter-agency support system that would call for the respect and support of campus procedures by responding parties. It was also recommended that all members of the campus community adhere to the Principles of Community.

Kroll report recommendations are also highlighted in the proposal, including systemwide changes to the policing at the University of California and the establishment of a clear decision making process by the campus community.

The University said it will continue to make changes to the action items in coming weeks. Responses to the proposals can be sent to reviews@ucdavis.edu.



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