62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

AggieTV’s Davis in a Day project to take place Thursday

Students have a chance to become a part of Davis’ cinematic history this Thursday.

Around this time each year, AggieTV produces a special project that usually allows UC Davis students and community members to collaborate to showcase Davis’ unique environment. Last year’s project was the LipDub, and this year, AggieTV wants students to participate to create a user-generated documentary illustrating life in Davis.

Inspired by Ridley Scott and National Geographic’s documentary Life in a Day, which is compiled of footage of life events taking place in 24 hours from individuals around the world, the project is intended to re-create the idea on a smaller, citywide scale.

“We are using a similar premise of filming 24 hours from different points of view, but plan on exploring different themes, filming styles and guidelines to create a film that is uniquely our story of Davis,” said sophomore pre-landscape architecture major Danica Liongson, AggieTV project director. “AggieTV is really hoping to involve all of campus and the community. Giving everyone the opportunity to share their days, alongside thousands of others, will give the rest of the world an idea of what makes our campus and our community so great.”

The 24 hours will take place this Thursday, as everyone is encouraged to film 30 seconds to 5 minutes of their day on any video-recording device to submit to AggieTV by Saturday.

According to Liongson, there were two criteria that needed to be met when deciding which day the event would take place — It needed to be a Thursday and it could not overlap with any major events.

“We want to capture the hustle and bustle of a weekday — people going to class, offices and businesses humming with productivity — as well as the fun atmosphere of a Davis weekend,” Liongson said.

Many students are looking forward to submitting footage, including junior communication major David Ou, online promotions assistant for the ASUCD Entertainment Council.

Davis in a Day is a great opportunity for students to show what Davis means to them,” Ou said. “It’s also a great way for others to learn about things around the campus and city that they didn’t know about before: obscure eateries, hidden places and unknown bike trails.”

Junior psychology major and AggieTV senior news reporter Hinano Akiyama looks forward to the end product.

“I think the part we are most excited about is what we have yet to discover,” Akiyama said. “We’re hoping to see parts of students and the community that you would not expect otherwise: moments that will delight, surprise, perhaps inspire and altogether bring us a little closer.  We’re inviting students to share a snippet of their own lives, however unique or mundane. We want to hear your story.”

STEPHANIE B. NGUYEN can be reached at campus@theaggie.org.



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