62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday

Find Your Center

For those of us who haven’t lived in the dorms for a while, it can be tough to remember what resources are available for us as students on campus. (Here’s a hint to first-year students and transfer students in the dorms: Take advantage of your dorm programming!) That said, the opening of the Student Community Center last quarter makes resources even more accessible than before. With the LGBT Resource Center (LGBTRC), the Cross Cultural Center (CCC) and the Student Retention and Recruitment Center (SRRC) in close proximity, students have no excuse not to check out their great programming and study spaces. Also, near the Memorial Union (MU) are the Women’s Research and Resource Center and the Learning Skills Center. You may have heard of these centers before if you’re like me and frequently eavesdrop on the tour groups for prospective freshmen … but here’s a refresher on the centers’ academic-oriented programming.

Studying at a student life center is a great alternative to Shields Library — where loud echoing floors only add to the dismal prospect of doing schoolwork. Computers and quiet study spots are readily available at the centers. The CCC, the Women’s Center, and the LGBTRC all have fantastic collections of books and DVDs. Social sciences and humanities majors can find some of their textbooks for class at these centers.

Some of the centers even offer drop-in tutoring! For instance, the Women’s Center has Math Cafe every Wednesday evening, which offers free tutoring in all levels of math and should be helpful for those overachievers who are majoring in math. The SRRC hosts The Lounge, a study hall every other Tuesday, which is a great way to study with your peers and to connect with them as well. They have both tutors and snacks — a winning combination! When you finally have enough of studying (it happens to all of us), take a study break and make some cool arts and crafts projects at the LGBTRC at each Friday’s Crafternoon event.

In addition, the various centers are good places to find advising and support when you’re stressed about school or life in general. In South Hall, the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has peer advisers to who all students can chat with when talking to your major adviser still seems too daunting. Transfer and re-entry students can find specialized resources, like workshops where students can share about their academic experiences, at both the SRRC and the Transfer Re-entry Veterans Center.
As students continue to be both stressed out by school and increasingly high costs for education, it is a wise decision to take advantage of all the resources offered on campus. Unless you end up striking it rich later in life (good luck!), when else are you going to have so many resources dedicated to making your life easier? Like going to the ARC, you paid for these resources in your student fees, so go as often as you can! Only in this case, you’ll end up more mentally and socially fit.


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