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Davis, California

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Column: Holy finale

Everyone is dying. The world, scratch that, MY world is ending. It’s May, and all of my dear television shows are reaching their season finales.

As I write this, my roommate and I are struggling to load the seven-minute preview of tonight’s “Grey’s Anatomy” season finale. And let me tell you — I’m already willing to sacrifice my own firstborn child to save the character that is getting killed off tonight.

This year is bringing its game, I tell you. With producers and television companies realizing that building up suspense and anticipation is the key to maintaining viewership, I’m about ready to road trip to L.A. and break into multiple buildings and steal the scripts for next season’s round of shows.

Perhaps it’s due to my increasingly demanding academic and labor schedules, but I’ve been watching a lot of television lately. It was only a mere year ago that I started watching “Grey’s Anatomy,” giving me plenty of time to start “How I Met Your Mother” once I caught up to the current season months ago.

If I revealed my complete television schedule, I would probably be reprimanded by my mother and school officials. Hey, I want distractions from my real life and problems and to project my emotions onto fake Hollywood-created scenarios.

The next couple of weeks are the ones that are going to kill us emotionally. No, not because the second round of midterms passes through, or that our semester school friends are already in summer, but because our television shows are breaking up with us for a while.

Two days ago, my heart exploded and my brain oozed out of my nostrils when I watched the “Smash” season finale. It continued to stab me in the heart as I replayed the ending scene 10 times after and had to force myself to go on a walk to clear my mind. It resulted in hours of debriefing and discussion on what the hell happened and what’s going to happen next.

I’m not completely caught up on “How I Met Your Mother” yet, but from the many Facebook statuses that took place the other night, I’m guessing the season finale provided the much-needed jolt of “wtf” and “omg” to an entertaining but repetitive show.

What is it that gets me so invested in these shows? Is it the extremely relatable characters that so accurately represent my inner emotions and outer turmoils? Is it because I’m too bored with my own life to notice that my life is equally dramatic and emotional?

And what is with Hollywood and screwing with our faiths, emotions and everyday lives? How dare they lead us on, making us love characters and television shows, only to cancel them a couple of amazing seasons in? I definitely was not the only one ready to lobby to save “Community” a couple of months back.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life after this quarter ends. Not only will I lack an excuse to not hang out with people because of “homework,” but I won’t have any television to watch when doing said homework. My life is so hard.

There’s a silver lining, though. I do own every single boxed season of “Gilmore Girls.” And I have Hulu Plus and Netflix to entertain me. But is it worth it, to fall in love with yet another set of characters and story only to be broken up with them eight seasons later? Yes. Because I have nothing else to do.

ELIZABETH ORPINA can be reached at arts@theaggie.org. Please e-mail her column suggestions, as she’s running out of ideas and the copyreaders are getting angry when she asks them what they want to read that week (since they’re the only ones that do.)


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