62.2 F

Davis, California

Saturday, July 27, 2024

ICC’s Countdown to Summer!

Spring quarter is nearly over and this is the final installment of the Internship and Career Center’s Countdown to Summer. We hope you have been able to take advantage of our tips for landing a job or internship. If you want more assistance, we have a special set of workshops and a plethora of other resources still available!

The ICC will be hosting Hire Me Academy, a special conference-style event for graduating seniors who are unable to focus on a job search until coursework is finished or for continuing students looking for an internship. We’ve designed Hire Me Academy to allow students to focus their attention on their job/internship search. The conference will include workshops on the critical issues associated with looking for a job/internship that includes sessions entitled “Know Yourself/Promote Yourself,” “Resume & Cover Letter Writing” and “Conquering Job Search Stress, Interviewing & Negotiating.” Visit the ICC website, icc.ucdavis.edu, for a detailed schedule. You are not required to stay for every workshop offered during the academy; choose those most relevant to your needs.

Hire Me Academy will take place in 114 South Hall, June 19 and June 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and June 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. At the conclusion of Tuesday and Wednesday we will have a resume review session with numerous ICC advisors available to you to provide feedback, so bring a printed draft of your resume.

A special mock interview event will take place on June 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. in 114 South Hall. Practice interviewing with one of many professionals who will volunteer their time and expert opinions. Following a brief interview, you will get feedback on what you did well and how you can improve. So many times we leave an interview wondering what we could have done better. Now you can actually find out. Whether you’re  just starting, or you’ve been interviewing but haven’t been offered a position yet, take advantage of this opportunity!

In addition to Hire Me Academy, the ICC offers other resources and services that can help you land a position. There are internships that go unfilled! If you do not already have an Aggie Job Link (AJL) account, visit icc.ucdavis.edu and create one. However, don’t suffer in silence if you are not able to find a position. Visit the ICC for strategies and information on how to use AJL. Join an ICC listserv to learn about workshops, events and new internship and job postings throughout the summer.

Take charge of your career path this summer, even if it is still undefined.  Start by gaining experience. Whether in Davis or elsewhere, volunteering is a great way to build your confidence in professional work environments, develop skills and gain contacts. Visit the Community Services Resource Center on the ICC website for information on a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, but do so before finals week, as our community services peer advisors may not be available after that time. If you are leaving Davis for the summer, think about developing your own internship. An ICC coordinator can provide guidance and help you receive transcript notation for the internship.

Five, four, three, two, one … the countdown to summer has started. Don’t let it take off without using the ICC’s offerings first to send your career or internship into orbit.


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