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Davis, California

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Column: I’ll be back

Normally this would be the time for the Arts Editor to write a farewell; as the year comes to an end, so does the position at The Aggie.

This year is a little different. Goodbyes were said at the end of Winter Quarter, when Uyen Cao left for Spain and introduced me as the new Arts Desk editor.

So instead of packing up my things and training my successor, I’m making plans for next year. The returning Copy Chief and I already have plans for decorations in our little corner of Lower Freeborn, honoring some of the greatest artists of our time: Rebecca Black, One Direction and Justin Bieber.

With these inspirational surroundings, The California Aggie is sure to produce some top-notch entertainment, news and writing. (That’s what we’re telling ourselves, anyway.)

Writing for this paper provides everything you could ever want from college: friends, free stuff, improved writing techniques and in some cases, paid labor. I’m going to utilize these 15 inches of a column to convince you to apply to work at the Arts desk slash why arts and entertainment is on the rise here at UC Davis.

Here, we get promotional items from Hollywood promoting movies and television shows (think Fox’s New Girl’s Douchebag Jar). We get free tickets to concerts, such as Allen Stone, Florence + The Machine, Drake and Bon Iver. We get to interview famous people — think the Mythbusters guys, Bon Iver’s Sean Carey and Steve Aoki.

Being connected to the Arts e-mail address is basically an insider’s look at everything entertaining in Davis and Sacramento. With constant press releases, movie screenings, free music and gallery invites, this desk is a fast-pass to a cultured life.

All of these connections have proved extremely rewarding, especially because this year in entertainment has been pretty damn exciting.

We had an amazing line-up of lectures, concerts, performances and famous people visiting our school this year. Tickets sold out for shows faster than ever before, Entertainment Council kept announcing surprising shows every quarter and the music world introduced a plethora of unique and fascinating music.

And since I’m a vampire at heart with the sun “forcing” me to sit inside all summer, you can bet I’m thrilled to watch all of my summer television shows.

The greatest thing about arts and entertainment is that they are constantly changing and always surprising. I’m excited to hear about what kind of arts and entertainment will grace our campus next year. I’m even more excited for a summer of concerts and movies. And let’s be real: I’m still waiting for Rebecca Black’s new release.

Let ELIZABETH ORPINA know who you want to perform at UC Davis next year in hopes that she can somehow influence Justin Bieber to perform at the Mondavi Center through her connections at arts@theaggie.org.


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