96.5 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Column: Welcome

Forgive me for the column you’re about to read (hopefully in full, but realistically about halfway through). If you’ve had the pleasure of reading my weekly column last year, then you know that I overexaggerate, overreact and generally talk about anything and everything as long as I can somehow relate it to Arts and Entertainment.
But because this column is in the Orientation Issue and is probably the first time you’ve ever heard my name – but let’s be real, you should know who I am, as I have like six jobs on campus and am on the fast track to fame with my plans for my tell-all novel – I have to write some sort of welcoming piece.
I’ll just go ahead and get this out of the way now, because based on research you’re probably not bored reading this yet, but we’re hiring! Hooray.
Why I want you to write for Arts is because 1) I want friends 2) I need writers and 3) I have things such as free tickets to give you. If you want any sort of journalistic experience while you’re in college, The Aggie is where you need to be. Apply to be a photographer, a writer or a copy editor, or even for the business side of things. We want you.
Now back to my official welcome to MUSE, the paper’s Arts and Entertainment section. This year, we’re approaching our spread in a way that hasn’t been done in a long time. Expect some big changes … speaking of which, if you’re involved in any sort of entertainment group or unit on campus, contact me. I would love to set up some sort of relationship between Arts and your group.
If you’re one of our loyal readers, we welcome you back. If you’re a brand new reader, we’d like to welcome you to MUSE. We print every Thursday and provide information, opinions and features on what’s going on in the entertainment world today, with some sort of emphasis on the city and campus community of Davis.
Get ready for a year of One Direction references, video game tips and tricks, indie music referrals and behind-the-scenes featurettes of some of the coolest performances you’ll hopefully get the chance to see.
In terms of this column, though, don’t expect consistency in terms of topics or even a theme. I’ll talk about anything from Miley Cyrus’ new hair to recent Broadway show drama. Don’t worry — my brain is wired to only think about Arts and Entertainment, much to the dismay of my other jobs and my grades. So, you’re welcome in advance.
And if anything we ever write this year just speaks to you or if you fall in love with one of us, please e-mail us. We love fan mail. And hate mail. If you want us to preview a show, get a specific interview or review your poetry, e-mail us.
So that’s essentially my plea for you to read us, write for us and be our friend. Welcome back to Davis, welcome to Davis and welcome to MUSE.

ELIZABETH ORPINA can be reached at arts@theaggie.org.


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