Cheat Sheet
An engineering student in a lower-division math class was referred to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA) for unauthorized assistance on a homework assignment. Specifically, the student had used the online solution set to help finish her work. After meeting with a judicial officer, she agreed to disciplinary probation and community service as sanctions.
Take Care of Yourself
A junior was referred to SJA by the police for drinking off-campus, and as a result was unable to take care of himself. In a meeting with a judicial officer, he admitted to drinking a few drinks at a party. Since the student was on Deferred Separation, the judicial officer was able to resolve the case based on the evidence and decided that the student was in violation. The student was put on Deferred Dismissal and was assigned community service and counseling and was required to meet with Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Intervention Services. If a student who is on Deferred Dismissal violates the code of conduct again and is found in violation by a judicial officer he or she will be dismissed from the university.
Caught in the Act
A student was referred to SJA by the police for attempting to steal a bike. The student met with a judicial officer and admitted to drinking earlier. She felt it affected her judgment and agreed to Deferred Separation and community service as sanctions. Deferred Separation is implemented if a student repeatedly violates the code of conduct and is found in violation by a judicial officer; he or she, will in turn, be suspended.