97.2 F

Davis, California

Friday, July 26, 2024

Letter to the editor

In response to the “Fit and happy” article by Alan Lin published in The California Aggie, we at Health Education & Promotion (HEP) are excited to see the encouragement of physical activity among UC Davis students.

There are many benefits to students who fit in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, most days of the week, and new research shows that those 30 minutes can be broken up into 10-minute segments that are often easier to fit into busy schedules!

UC Davis and the City of Davis have a wealth of resources to make physical activity fun and, for those who might get bored with their routine, find ways to change things up.

We want to share a new resource: HEP’s Physical Activity map (maps.shcs.ucdavis.edu), available on the Student Health and Counseling Service’s website. On this interactive map, students can locate exercise facilities, programs and resources on campus and around town ranging from dance classes to bike and running paths.

We also offer great tips on how to start exercising and much more on the Physical Activity Resources page found at shcs.ucdavis.edu/workit.

We wholeheartedly support The California Aggie in promoting students fitting physical activity into their lives so they can reap the benefits of improved health, mood and even academic success!

Cathy Huang
Christian Servera
Physical Activity Student Assistants
Health Education & Promotion
Phone Number: (530) 752-9652
Student Health and Counseling Services


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