The Enchanted Cellar
All Day
17 Wright
Visit the Enchanted Cellar for Halloween Costume Rentals at UC Davis. There is a 50 percent discount for UC Davis students, faculty, staff and affiliates. The Enchanted Cellar will be open until Oct. 31. Appointments are preferred. Call (530) 752-0740 or email for an appointment. For more information, go to
Library 101: Catalogs, Databases and Services
Noon to 1 p.m.
Shields Library Second Floor Instruction Room
Attend this hands-on introduction to finding books, research articles and other items at the UC Davis General Libraries given by Lee Riggs and the Shields Library Instruction Staff. Learn about library privileges and services as well as how to discover print and digital materials in our collections. This basic orientation to the library is suitable for any discipline and all your questions are welcomed.
Study abroad in your major: UCEAP options just for you
Noon to 1 p.m.
Education Abroad Center, Third and A Street
Learn about UCEAP “Special Focus” discipline-specific programs as well as finding courses in your major offered by host institutions taught in English. Also, find out how to work with your department major adviser in order to still graduate on time.
Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship Info Session
5:10 to 6 p.m.
URCenter, 2300 Student Community Center
Learn about research funding opportunities for undergraduates through the Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship. The fellowship provides funds for undergraduates to pursue research projects or other creative activities under faculty supervision.
Circle K International Fourth General Meeting
6 to 7 p.m.
6 Olson
If you are interested in doing community service, developing leadership skills and gaining friendships then attend the Circle K International meeting to see what the club has to offer you.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
7 to 8:30 p.m.
Davis United Methodist Church, 1620 Anderson Road
Free yourself from excess weight and/or obsessional thoughts about food and body image. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a 12-step fellowship based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Meetings are open and free to the public. Go to for other meeting locations.
Davis Shakespeare Ensemble: Radio Macbeth
8 to 10 p.m.
Arboretum Gazebo
Davis Shakespeare Ensemble presents this original version of Shakespeare’s haunting tragedy, inspired by the format of 1930s radio plays, featuring live sound effects and an original score. The performance will continue through Saturday. For ticket reservations email, call (530) 802-0998 or visit
UC Davis Energy Institute Fall 2012 Seminar Series
2:30 to 3:30 pm
1003 Kemper Hall
Join Dr. Merwin Brown, Co-Director, Electric Grid Program, California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), as he discusses “The Real Reasons We Must Have a Smart Grid for the 21st Century.” There is no cost and all are welcome to attend.
Active Shooter Survival Workshop
5:30 to 7 p.m.
King Lounge, Memorial Union (second floor)
The Campus Police Department will be putting on a workshop that covers the five steps to help increase your chances of surviving an active shooter. Reservations are not needed.
To receive placement in the AGGIE DAILY CALENDAR, email or stop by 25 Lower Freeborn by noon the day prior to your event. Due to space constraints, all event descriptions are subject to editing and priority will be given to events that are free of charge and geared toward the campus community.